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2024 Interim Budget Approved. The 2024 Budget Approved April 22nd, 2024.

To see the Approved 2024 Budget - Capital & Operating

BYLAW No. 758 Rate of Taxation 2023 - Passed April 24th, 2023


The Town of Wembley approved the 2024 Capital and Operating Budget at its regular Council meeting on April 22nd, 2024. The 2024 budget is inclusive of the continued increases to the policing costs, overall increases in operating costs due to higher inflation, continued reduction in provincial grants, and limited federal capital funding for small municipalities.


On going rejuvenation of greenspaces, recreation areas and gradual addition of much needed capital assets such as sidewalks and minor road improvements, updates on outdated bylaws and policies, are amongst the focus of Council during this year’s budget deliberations. Continuation of financial support to the Wembley and District Agricultural Society in a form of monthly loan payment in the total amount of $28,800 annually, contribution to the Wembley and Districts Arts Culture and Historical Society in the amount of $5,000 for operating expenses and $10,000.00 for a capital project, operating expenses support of $5,000 to the Silver and Gold Club, as well as investing in attracting economic development and highly focusing on developing tourism in Wembley were some of the budgetary considerations made this year. Council also recognizes and supports the in-kind assistance provided to various groups as a way of keeping our level of service that our community has enjoyed. 


Wembley is uniquely positioned to capitalize on dino or paleo tourism due to its proximity to a world class dinosaur museum and rich dinosaur bonebeds. This year’s budget highly supports development of tourism attractions and expanding economic development.


The residential property rate for 2024 is 12.6337 mills and the non-residential rate is 21.2414 mills. The property rate amount includes municipal, education and Grande Spirit Foundation tax rates. The 2024 tax rate does not mean property taxes will not go up or down for some property owners, as taxes are influenced by changes to the property assessment values. Properties with an assessment decrease may see their tax bill on par with last year, while property owners whose property assessment increased could see a slight increase in property taxes.


Example: Homeowners of a property assessed around $250,000 will pay about $3,158.43. If the property owner is signed up with a tax instalment payment plan it will see an equalized monthly payment of $263.20.


The Municipal tax rate: 

Residential – 10.0217mills           

Non-Residential – 17.5265mills


School levy tax rates:

Residential – 2.5183mills

Non-Residential – 3.6212mills


Grande Spirit Foundation tax levy:  0.0937mills


Designated Industrial (DI) Property tax rate:  0.07460mills


Highlights of Capital Projects/Purchases for 2024:

Sidewalk Rehabilitation                                                 

Skateboard Repair Station

Road Maintenance & Equipment


Media Contact:

Noreen Zhang, CAO Tel. 780-766-2269  Email:

Kelly Peterson, Mayor Tel. 780-876-5150 / Email:

For general info see also menu + Property Tax Information.


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3 Year Operating and 5 Year Capital Budget Forecast

Approved August 14, 2023

Click here to view