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About Our Firefighters

Our paid on-call volunteer firefighters come from all walks of life, united by a shared commitment to serving the community. Some join to gain valuable experience as they pursue a career in the fire service, while others simply have a passion for helping others. Whatever their motivation, we foster an inclusive and supportive team environment.

We maintain a roster of 20+ dedicated firefighters, all trained professionals who provide emergency response, public service, fire prevention, and support for community events. Their dedication ensures the safety and well-being of the residents we serve.

Recruitment Process

The journey to becoming a firefighter with the Wembley Fire Department starts with an online or in-person application. Once submitted, an officer will contact applicants to schedule an in-person panel interview. This interview allows us to learn more about you, your availability, and your suitability for the role. We will also outline the expectations and commitments involved.

Successful applicants will be offered the position of Recruit Firefighter and begin the onboarding process. 

Recruit Firefighter Prerequisites

Becoming a firefighter with the Wembley Fire Department requires only a few key qualifications—no prior firefighter training is necessary. All recruits undergo a mandatory 32-hour pre-service training program, completed over two weekends before being eligible to respond to emergency calls. 

Minimum Requirements:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Valid Standard First Aid Certificate with CPR Level C
  • Valid Class 5 Driver’s License
  • Residency within 15 km of the Wembley Fire Hall

Successful recruits will be required to provide a criminal background/vulnerable sector check and a 5-year commercial driver abstract. 

Probationary Period

All new recruits without formal training will be subject to a 6-month probationary period. New Recruits with NFPA 1001 Level II certifications will be subject to a 3-month probationary period. After this period, members can challenge the knowledge exam and practical evaluations to remove the probationary status. 


1001 Certification Training

The Wembley Fire Department partners with the County of Grande Prairie Regional Fire Services training program to provide firefighters with NFPA 1001 Level I & II certifications. This comprehensive training consists of 9 modules, typically spanning 19 weekends. Each module builds on previously acquired skills, delivering both classroom instruction and hands-on training necessary for certification. Courses are conducted locally and fully funded by the department. Instruction is provided by experienced career and volunteer firefighters actively serving in the fire service.

When enrolling in a training module, members must commit to both weekends to complete the module. The schedule is designed to accommodate busy work commitments, with training primarily held on weekends and occasional evening sessions. While this program is unpaid, it provides training that meets or exceeds the standards taught in formal firefighting academies.

Most of the nine modules must be completed in sequence to ensure progressive skill development. However, multiple sessions of each module are typically offered throughout the year, allowing members to enroll in the next available session if they are unable to attend one. Upon successful completion of the program, firefighters earn a nationally recognized NFPA 1001 Level I & II certification. Depending on availability and scheduling, full certification can be achieved in as little as one year, with most participants completing the program within 1.5 to 2 years.

The County of Grande Prairie Fire Service Training program is broken down into these modules:


Firefighter 101 (Mandatory Pre-service Training) – 32 Hours 

Program Description: Building Construction, PPE and Equipment Familiarization, Water Supply, Truck Assignments, Communications, Defensive Fire Operations, Policies and Procedures

Firefighter 201 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Air Monitoring & Gas Detection, Forcible Entry, Ground Cover Fires, Fire Extinguishers, Ladders, Vehicle Fires

Firefighter 301 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Company Operations, Search & Rescue, Interior Firefighting, Fire Dynamics

Firefighter 401 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Interior Fire Operations, On Grade/Above Grande/Below Grade Fires, All Skills Covered in 101-301

Firefighter 401c Level I Certification – 16 Hours

Program Description: Certification lab inclusive of 3rd party evaluators. Covers practical skills and knowledge-based testing based on the NFPA 1001 Level I Standards. Upon the completion of NFPA 472 Hazmat Awareness students can apply for 1001 Level I Certificates.

Firefighter 501 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Basic Vehicle Extrication & Stabilization

Firefighter 601 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Builds on Company Operations of a Level I Firefighter, Search & Rescue, Company Leadership

Firefighter 701 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Specialized Hazards, Pressurized Fuel Sources, Hose and Equipment Testing, Foam Application, Flammable Liquid Fires

Firefighter 801 – 32 Hours

Program Description: Fire Prevention, Public Education, Fire Codes, Fire Alarm and Suppression Inspections

Firefighter 901 – 16 Hours

Program Description: 2 Days of Live Fire Evolutions as a Company Officer

Firefighter 901c Level II Certification – 16 Hours 

Program Description: Certification Lab inclusive of 3rd part evaluators. The program covers practical and knowledge testing based on the NFPA 1001 Level II Standard. Upon completion of NFPA Hazmat 472  Operations, students are eligible to apply for 1001 Level II Certificates.

Further Education & Courses

Ongoing education is available to our members throughout the year, providing opportunities for both career advancement and skill development. Whether individuals are working toward the qualifications needed for a full-time position or seeking to expand their expertise, numerous growth opportunities are offered annually. While course offerings may vary, some of the core training programs available include:

  • NFPA 1002 Driver Operator
  • NFPA 1002 Pump Operator
  • Ice Rescue Technician 
  • Swift Water Rescue Specialist
  • NFPA 472 Hazmat Awareness & Operations
  • Rope Rescue
  • IAFF Fire Ground Survival
  • Standard First Aid + CPR Level C
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) 
  • Air Brakes Q Endorsement
  • Class 3 Licence Training
  • Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) 
  • NFPA 1051 Wildland Firefighter
  • Incident Command System (ICS) 100,200,300,400 
  • Blue Card Commander

Weekly Training

The Wembley Fire Department conducts training every Thursday evening at 19:00hrs. Members will train to build on existing skills and learn new skills to use on the fire ground. Our training nights are inclusive of all levels of training and offer something for everyone.

 Members must attend a minimum of 50% of weekly training nights within a calendar year.



The Wembley Fire Department responds to an average of over 300 calls per year. Operating 24/hrs per day, 365 days per year, emergencies can happen at all times of the day or week. Once a member has completed their pre-service training they can begin to attend emergency calls. Through cellular applications, members are notified of a 9-1-1 call. If a member is available, they respond directly to the fire station and onto the appropriate apparatus needed for the call.

 Members must attend a minimum of 15% of emergency calls within a calendar year.


Additional Expectations

Being a member of the fire department is a big commitment. Along with responding to emergency calls we also must attend monthly inspections with our platoons, plan and attend community events, and attend quarterly meetings. 

A minimum attendance of 25% is required for these duties within a calendar year.


ATCO Cadet Program 

In partnership with the County of Grande Prairie Regional Fire Service and ATCO, we offer the opportunity for high school students aged 16-18 the opportunity to be a member of the Wembley Fire Department. While Cadets are not permitted to respond to emergencies, they can attend most of the other activities that our Firefighters attend. This includes being able to enroll in the 1001 Certification Program. Most high schools within the County of Grande Prairie also offer credit opportunities for students enrolled in the Cadet Program. The Department works closely with the Cadets and their Parents/Guardians to ensure that academics remain a top priority.

Cadet Pre-requisites

  • Live within 15km of the Wembley Fire Hall
  • Attend 50% of Weekly Training within a Calendar Year
  • A class 5 driver's license is highly recommended

Ready to join the team? 

Download and complete the application below. Once completed please email it to

Application Download: WFD Firefighter Application

Click the links below to see what being a Paid on-call Firefighter with the Wembley Fire Department can offer you!


Wembley Fire Department "Workin in the North"

 Recruitment Video

Questions or Concerns? Email District Fire Chief Matt Smith at